Improving Website Rankings with Search Engines

Improving Website Rankings on Search Engine (s)

Many webmasters are spending a lot of time trying to find a way to improve the rankings of their websites without “gaming” or “tricking” Google. With the number of websites, online businesses blogs, e-shops, articles, and social networks on the web increasing each day, webmasters and content generating people are facing a stiff competition to get their websites to grab some of the market share for their websites, online businesses blogs, e-shops, articles, and social networks.

When internet surfers cruise the web, people are unlikely to check the 4th or 5th page of the SERP (search engine result page) on search engines when they are searching for something It is very influential for webmasters to have their websites listed on the top positions in order to get “organic” search engine directed traffic.

There are so many methods that you can utilize online to “Perk Up” your website’s search engine rankings. You can use SEO (search engine optimization) or PPC (Pay per click) ads. However, these methods may not be suitable for every webmaster.

I’ll now list out some examples that will help in some basic ideas on increasing visibility for your websites, online businesses blogs, e-shops, articles, and social networks for search engine ranking increase.

  • SEO (search engine optimization)

    • If you search hard enough, ironically,  you will find 10,000 different ways to improve your SEO (search engine optimization). You will find a ton of ways to get more information about SEO methods on the web, but it is hard to find the ideas that provide the important details on how to really improve rankings. An internet newbie often confused by so many theories that he/she found, and some theories even work against each other. It is important to understand the fact that SEO can actually harm the business if not being done correctly. If you are in the practice of trying to “game” Google, you could be delisted or deranked from their SERP (search engine result pages). One of the solutions that you can do for SEO is to use the service of an SEO specialty company. The problem is, using the service of an SEO company is generally expensive, and you have to make a long term commitment so that you will end up spending even more money before you can get the results you are looking for.
  • PPC (Pay per click) ad Campaign

    • Basically, a Pay per click (PPC) campaign is an Internet advertising model used on website’s around the world, where advertisers pay the advertisement host only when their ad is clicked. With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market. Content sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system. PPC campaigns are displayed within SERPs. You have to pay for every click that somebody do on your ad even if the click does not result in a sale so that you might end up spending a lot of money without getting the expected results. You may get traffic but very few conversions from those clicks.  For example, if you bid 50 cents for each click and your ad get 100 clicks a day, you would have to pay $50 a day.  There is a very relevant chance that you won’t make any sales (conversions from clicks) for that day. The $50 that you spent that day will end up being a total waste. Another huge disadvantage of using PPC is that once you have spent your limit for that day, your advertisement ends up NOT showing up anymore.  It will only keep working if you keep spending the money and if you don’t, the ad disappears. When you are out of money to spend on advertising, the PPC campaign will stop while you haven’t done anything that can improve the value of your brand at all.

    What to Do to Improve Rankings (10 steps)

    • Publish new UNIQUE Articles
    • Try to find competitive keywords that your competition isn’t using
    • Learn from your competitors
    • Make sure each page on your site has cross links to other pages on your site
    • Try to include a few outbound links to high ranking sites
    • Use Google sitemaps to it’s fullest
    • Get invlovlved with communities, get the word out about your sites(s)
    • Spell check your content
    • Have keywords in your head section of  your site
    • Valid XHTML or valid HTML
  • You don’t have to worry because there is a tool that can help you to get your website listed on at least the first three pages of Google’s SERP. You can use the advantage of Web 2.0 to rank well in most search engines. You can also use the power of video in order to boost the search engine ranking of your website. Almost all aspects of SEO (search engine optimization) can be handled using this innovative tool from link building to article marketing.

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